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Be Still

Writer's picture: Colleen AltschulColleen Altschul

The magic lies in the silence. Can you get quiet? Can you find time to stop the blur of life and pause for just a brief moment to check-in and see where you really are? It’s hard to live an authentic life if you don’t take time to pause and listen to your soul. I know meditation doesn’t appeal to everyone, but it’s just too darn powerful to not give it a good ole’ college try! There are all types of meditation, and some can even be done while exercising! I’m not going to go into all the different types of meditation, but I do want to be your cheerleader to encourage you to make finding just a few minutes each day to be still a priority in your life.

Between raising a family, taking care of pets, taking care of myself physically, holding down a job, surviving the chaos that is our current political divide, and tolerating all the low energy people, I often feel like I’m just in this hamster wheel that keeps spinning. The idea of stopping can be terrifying to me because it feels like there’s always something to be done. I recommitted myself to daily meditation this year. I fell off the wagon at the end of last year and didn’t hold myself accountable to take that time for myself. I think before I was doing it more for the check-off box, look I did something good for myself, now on to the next thing. I didn’t really stop to really be still and appreciate it.

Think about how much you have changed over the last 10 yrs, or maybe 20 yrs, or maybe even more. You probably hardly relate to the person you were back then. Life is continually shaping us into new people. We learn new things. We surround ourselves with different people. We pick new influences. But it all just kind of happens over time and while it’s happening we barely notice. So it’s good to stop in and appreciate the growth in your life. Maybe you had a setback and need to recalculate your path. Finding that time to quiet the mind and really listen to what your soul is calling for is needed.

Once you get familiar with a meditation practice, you’ll be able to tune in to that inner voice that’s always there trying to guide you. Sometimes what you hear can be scary. Sometimes it’s calling for you to do something new, or wild, or difficult. It’s when we don’t listen for that voice, or if we ignore it for too long, that we often attract a “wake-up call” into our life. You might lose a job. You might lose a relationship. You might get dragged into someone else’s drama. One way or another, your destiny is going to find a way to get your attention.

Now I’m not saying we all have one specific destiny that we are pre-programmed to follow, but I do believe we have a spectrum of options that will teach us the lessons we can to learn in this lifetime. The energy you put out will attract you to the path you most resonate with to get to that same destination. So taking the time to meditate is like taking the time to put your destination into Google Maps so it can show you the best route to take to get to your destination with the least amount of delays or disruptions. It tells your soul that you are ready and willing to listen to what it has to say. Stick with it. You might not take to the practice right away, but just like anything else, with practice and dedication you will get better at it.

Take that time. You deserve it! Be still. Look inward. Listen carefully. Stop the hamster wheel of life just for a second before you spin-off of it out of control. Make YOU a priority each day, if only for just a few minutes. Let me know if you try it out or want some suggestions on how to start and stick with a meditation practice. There are a ton of excellent apps out there that virtually do all the work for you! I can’t wait to see all the awesomeness you create in your lives!


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