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Invest in Yourself

Writer: Colleen AltschulColleen Altschul

Never stop learning. There is a sad reality that many people never read a book after they leave school. Is reading books in school so traumatic that people just never want to do it again, even when they can read whatever they want? To be honest I absolutely hated reading for school! I did not learn best by reading, instead, I could pretty much remember anything I heard in class. I almost never finished the books we were assigned in literature class. I can still remember failing a test because I simply had no desire to read the book assigned. However, as soon as I left school and developed a passion for new age and self-help topics, I started reading like crazy!

Are you still learning? Are you following your passions? Where would you like to grow- health, spirituality, culture, talent, a new hobby? There is so much to learn about in the world, and we now have access to pretty much anything we would ever want to learn about through the internet. If books aren’t your thing, there are podcasts, workshops, youTube, TED Talks, magazines, articles, and blogs just to name a few. You can find a method of learning that best suits you. I read quite a few books per year, but listening to audiobooks and podcasts means I will remember the information longer. It also allows me to multitask, because I can listen to them while running or working around the farm or cleaning the house. In this fast-paced world, it pays to find ways to multitask.

The world can take away your possessions, but your mind will always be yours. Investing in yourself is always a good bet, because it pays off. The more you learn, the more insightful you become. The more you learn, the more you can help others. The more you learn, the more you gain understanding about the world. For the past 3 years I have been focusing on my health and getting to my best. In this process I have learned to find the workouts that work best for me, and the diet that keeps me from feeling bloated and tired. There have been trial and errors, and I’m by no means perfect, but I now have insights that I can use for the rest of my life. I don’t always follow the best practices, but I know what they are now.

All of the insights I have shared through these blogs I’ve learned through studying new age and self help topics for over 22 years. You don’t have time to go and read all of the books and articles that I have read over the years, and you can’t attend the workshops that I attended many years ago, but I can share the knowledge with you through these short blog posts. Hopefully these ideas then encourage you to go and learn more about the ones that peak your curiousity. By investing in myself, I have not been about to help others.

One of the greatest investments I make is to travel as often as I can. I love to meet people from different cultures and see how people live today and in the past all around the world. The more you travel, the more you realize that people are more alike than different. You learn a lot about human nature as well when you come in contact with thousands of people at airports and events. Learning isn’t always from books. Experiences are just as powerful. Put yourself in places and situations where you can learn. When we get stuck in the same limiting routines, we don’t grow, and we are more likely to feel isolated and misunderstood. You are the only person you can change, and when you change for the better, the whole world gets better as well. We all have to be the change we wish to see in the world.

Find time to invest in yourself so that you keep growing and expanding. Find a new topic to study. Take up a new hobby. Meet new people and ask them questions. Travel to see new cultures and gain perspective on the world. Never stop learning, or you have given up on yourself. There is a magical world out there just waiting to open up to you if you just take the time to learn more about it. Where can you commit to investing in yourself this week? Maybe it’s time to plan a trip, try a new workout style, meet someone new, or get outside and observe nature. Spend your money on things that improve your life. Possessions never last, but memories can last a lifetime.


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