When you live in a cycle of positivity and high vibration, you open to the flow state. Your positive thoughts and energy set up a future full of happiness and opportunity. I’m lucky enough to be in one of those periods of joy right now. I’ve had challenges arise, and the solutions just seem to pop up. I’m filled with a constant feeling that I’m right where I’m supposed to be. I’m surrounded by reminders that I have created connections and lived as a positive example for others. I can find time to enjoy the beauty of the world around me and feel like my life is in balance. I’m not trying to brag about my life, but it’s been such a great moment of affirmation and joy that I wanted to share that it is possible to get to this place.
I’ve worked very hard this year to create a positive balance in my life. I added more of what makes me feel good – meditation, healthy food, exercise, sleep, positive people, and focused on being true to myself. Even a simple choice like not feeling pressured to have a cocktail when others are drinking has empowered me to be true to myself. By focusing on making positive choices that raise my vibration, I set the universe in motion to bring me more high vibration situations.
Making the higher vibration choice isn’t always the easy one. I don’t always want to wake up and put my workout clothes on, but I know if I do then I’m less likely to skip a workout. By taking the extra time to make sure new employees feel comfortable at their first event, I ensure they will respect me as a leader and want to do their best work. I have sacrificed some free time now to ensure smooth sailing at work in the future. The choices we make in the present, and the energy we put into them are setting us up for the future.
Is there a place in your life where you could start making more positive choices? Are there a few sacrifices you can make now with a positive attitude that will set you up for future success? Can you focus on gratitude for where you are now, knowing that the energy of gratitude will help shift your future? You can only change this moment, so make a good choice now and know it’s setting you up for success in the future.