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Lead On

You are a leader. You are a leader to someone in your life. There is someone looking up to you even if you don’t realize it- a child, a spouse, a coworker, a social media connection. So all of your actions give you the opportunity to be a positive example for someone to follow.

People need leaders to follow. This world needs more positive leaders. So now that you know that you are a leader, you can be more aware that the actions you take will influence others. My guiding belief for a very long time has been to live my life as an example for others to follow. Looking way back to my rave days as a young adult, I decided to create a small newsletter to remind others to be positive and loving and embrace the moments and the magic that we were experiencing. I did my best to meet and smile and connect with as many people as I could. As I grew up and became a parent, I chose to treat my child with the respect that she was this fully enlightened soul just trapped in a developing body, so I always spoke to her from a position of guidance instead of authority over her. As a leader at work, I try to motivate others with authenticity and positivity and shared goals. I have always tried to do my best and treat others as I would want to be treated- guess that’s kind of the golden rule in all religions as well.

I have been very successful as a leader in these many areas of my life, past, and present. I really enjoy being a leader. I have found the confidence to be a great leader through making positive choices in my own life. If you can’t trust yourself, then it’s going to be hard for others to trust you as well. It’s the old adage of “do as I say and not as I do” that creates inauthenticity in many leaders. Look at the many religious and political leaders that preach love all and tell people to follow the rules, then they get caught saying hateful things or taking illegal actions. It’s no wonder that so many people have a belief that most leaders must be hiding something or can’t be trusted. This is why it’s so very important for all of us to start shifting that belief by doing our best to be a positive example for others to follow.

Think about who sees you as a leader. Who is following your lead? Where can you make a positive difference in the world? Even when you are out in public, there are always people watching your actions. When people see you smiling and speaking kindly to others, they are more likely to do the same. If you are going through life radiating higher energy, then you will naturally lift others up around you. Those that are looking for a leader will be drawn to you. They say that when you are ready, the teacher will appear. You can be that teacher (leader) for others to follow.  Every day offers you the chance to change the world with your actions. Be the leader that others want to follow by living an authentically positive life. There are so many people ready to follow you.

No matter how small you might believe your circle of influence might be, there is always a place for you to lead. Sometimes the people that live in the worst conditions can have the most chances to positively affect those around them. So shine your light everywhere you go. Do the right thing. Be the person that is willing to go out of your way to be nice to others. I promise you that you will have an affect on the world around you, and you just never know who might be watching you!

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