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Let’s Get Magnetic

Your vibe determines your tribe. It is said that the 5 most influential people in your life will determine your salary, your health, and maybe even your happiness. If you look at the 5 people in your life that have the most influence- those you hang out with, talk to the most, ask for advice, and you take an average of their weights and salaries, you are likely right in the middle. So if you want to change your weight or your salary, you should change the most influential people in your life! Now that doesn’t mean you have to drop all your friends and find new ones, but if the vibes around you don’t match what you want, then you might need to go out and find a new source of higher vibration.

Let’s say you are determined to lose weight. If the people around you are not concerned about their own weight, they are less likely to support you or might even try to sabotage your own efforts to lose weight. If your Friday nights consist of hitting the taco place and then drinking beer or wine into the wee hours of the night, that’s not going to fit into your new healthy lifestyle. Those friends might not like the idea of staying in and getting up early on Saturday to run a 5k with you at 8am. If your father has tried to lose weight his whole life with little success, he might laugh when you pass up bread at dinner or mock your new diet as just a fad. So you might need to find at least one new friend or convince one of your current friends to raise up to this new level with you. You don’t have to stop talking to your dad just because he isn’t on that healthy eating vibe, you just need more people in that circle of 5 to be on that level, so it tips the vibration scales in your favor. That supportive friend will be there when you call to complain about your dad, they will tell you to stick with it regardless of what he said.

Maybe it’s time for a career change, but you are surrounded by friends that have no ambition to do great work or move ahead. If they are all settled in their careers and either happy where they are or too afraid or unmotivated to ask for more, then you are going to likely feel comfortable right there alongside them. But what if you start following this vibrant author that writes books about following your dreams? And this author has a podcast that you follow. And they post great quotes to Instagram each day. Well, pretty soon you have added a new influencer to your circle. This person, even if you never meet them, will start driving your vibration up. You start to listen to what they say above those that might be around you physically. That author is now a match to the vibe you want and is helping you get there.

Take a look at the 5 influencers in your life. Are they at the vibe you want to be at? Are they doing things that make you feel comfortable, or do they challenge you in a good or a bad way? Maybe some of them are holding you back from where you could be going. Is there someone that you’ve come across recently that has intrigued you? Maybe they inspired you a little bit? Could it be time to spend a little more time with that person or learn from that person in whatever way is available to you? If you are always the highest vibration person in your circle, you are less likely to ever expand that circle. Is it time to start stretching outward a little? Great growth often comes from being a little uncomfortable.

My father used to be a huge influencer in my life. He was so talented in his career, with money, and earned the respect of so many people. He was always very kind to strangers and open to talking with all kinds of people. As he has grown older, he is less friendly and is no longer driven to do and make more as most of us will slow down once we retire. While I still love him dearly and will always value the example he was for me while I was growing up, his vibe does not match my vibe these days. His opinion has less influence over me. I’m more influenced now by entrepreneurs that are building companies fueled by their passions, and really driven to change the world.

Take some time and see if you can figure out what 5 people are filling your time and space. Are they a match to your vibe? If you raised your vibration, could you attract a new set of 5? Is it time to get a little uncomfortable and stretch that circle? What kinds of conversations are you having with your inner circle? Are they positive and uplifting, or are you using your time to complain or gossip about others? Maybe adding a life coach to your circle could help. If so, reach out to me and let’s start vibing! Never stop asking questions and looking at those around you. One day you might wake up and realize you have been trapped by those around you. Thanks for raising your vibration today by reading this blog!

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