As we journey through this thing called life, we bring with us our carry-ons of regrets, memories, and ties to our past. Well, let’s take a look at what we’ve been carrying around with us all this time. Is your carry-on a nice small bag with only the essentials, or are you one of those people that tries to bring the overstuffed duffel bag that is never going to fit in the overhead bin? Time to open up those bags and see what you are dragging along with you on this journey! Remember, only one carry-on and a personal item is allowed.
We choose the weight that we carry with us. All of us are carrying something with us. It’s why it’s often called our “baggage.” Peek inside that bag, what do you see- guilt, sorrow, painful memories, limitations, feelings of inadequacy, ties to your past? All those ties and deadweight can hold you back from running towards a better future. Could it be time to lighten that load?
Are you carrying around the words or criticisms of someone in your mind? Did someone tell you that you aren’t good enough? Did someone make you believe that you can’t achieve anything you put your mind to? Did something happen in your past that causes you to fixate on it or keep thinking about it so much that you can’t embrace what’s here right in front of you? Nothing in the past can be changed. The words of someone in the past only follow you around if you choose to carry them with you. So that teacher that told you your work wasn’t good enough years ago, should be left in the past. Do you really want to carry that weight around with you now? You are a completely different person now. Are you going to continue traveling with that belief, or will you dump it in the waste bin on your way to the gate?
If you’re always looking behind you, you can’t see what’s right in front of you or know where you are going. Those ties to people that hold us back or tether us to a belief that we are limited are going to eventually cause us to miss an opportunity to take flight. You may have suffered great trauma or loss in your past. Are you still tied to that grief or drama? Do you bring it with you now as you are ready to move forward? You may never forget what happened, but you can decide the story you tell about it. Can you cut it down to something more reasonable? Can you respect it for the lesson it taught you? Can you cut that tie that’s holding you back from making it to your next take-off to something new? If you are carrying the sadness or pain of past relationships, it’s going to slow you down in your pursuit of a new journey. Can you recycle those old issues into something new that will allow you to be open and ready for that next adventure in love?
If you are weighed down with guilt and burden, you’re never going to be able to change terminals quickly when needed. The beliefs and limitations you continue to carry around with you are going to keep you from making that next connection. If your bag is full of disbelief that you can’t do something, then you’re never going to try. If you think you are too old, too young, too poor, too slow, etc then you are not even looking at the departures screen to see where you could possibly even go. The world and your life are full of possible destinations, but you have to be ready to make those travel plans and lighten your load enough to make those connections.
Where will you go next in your journey of life? What are you bringing with you? Can you lighten that load? Is it time to plan for a new destination? Are you open to making a few connections along the way? Get out there and start exploring- the world is waiting for you!