This post isn’t about free love, and we should practice sending love to all those around us (especially the awful ones), but first let’s focus on the one we are always with… ourself. If you can’t love yourself, how can you expect loving vibration to surround you?
As we talk about loving vibration, I don’t necessarily mean a romantic partner, but if you want or desire one of those this all applies to attracting one as well. Loving vibration is a higher vibration, right up there with joy, peace, and harmony. As I have said over and over, your vibes create your lives. Higher vibrations attract positive situations, positive changes, and positive connections to others. So if you are not comfortable with yourself- in mind, body, or spirit, that is going to lead to a limitation on your vibrational level.
No one is perfect, everyone has something they wish they could change about themselves- that’s ok! You don’t have to try and convince yourself that what you see reflected in the mirror is a perfect version of yourself. It is the current version of yourself, and it is constantly changing. Every 7 years your body completely replaces itself with new cells. So nothing on you, or in you will still be there in 7 years, except…. your soul, which is not made of cells, but rather is an energy. So while your body can change one way or another, that soul, that energy, is going to be there until your mortal life ends. Hopefully that shows you why learning to control that energy and vibration is so important. Your energy affects everything in your life.
If you are ready to create positive change in your life, it starts with loving what is right now. Finding peace and harmony with how you are now, raises the vibration and allows positive change. If you are overweight now, it doesn’t mean you will always be that way. If you are struggling financially now, it doesn’t mean you always will be that way. If you feel lonely now, it doesn’t mean you will always feel that way. Make peace with how you are now, and then be open to allow positive change.
If the voice in your head is running an unending smear campaign against yourself, positive change has no room to come in. Let’s get rid of the hate, the dislike, the discomfort, the hopelessness, and embrace the idea that EVERYTHING can change. Try saying, “I love and accept myself as I am.” In fact, EFT Tapping practitioners use that saying as the basis of their practice. It is incredibly powerful and opens the door for positive change. Every day allows you to be grateful for all the previous days that led you to this moment. Each moment is a new chance to shift your energy. The fact that you are alive to be grateful means that you have more than those who no longer have the chance to create change.
All right, this is a lot to take in, but just takeaway the large idea of all this – positive change begins when you can love yourself exactly as you are right now. This moment, is the only moment you can change, so make it positive if you want positive change. Rid your life of the negative thoughts and make room for more positive ones. Can you love yourself just a little bit more today, right now? Try it, and see what happens.