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Make It Easy

Writer: Colleen AltschulColleen Altschul

What if we took things that were hard to do and made them easy? Oh of course, why didn’t I think of that before (rolls eyes)? Easier said than done, pun intended! So often we set goals and then give up on them because they seem just too hard to achieve. How many times have you tried to lose weight and given up? How many times have you decided to start a new hobby or remodel something and never gotten past the purchasing equipment stage?

Overwhelm is easy. The excitement of a moment sparks that thrill of setting a new goal, or maybe that goal was set in a time of desperation. But far too quickly that excitement fades and the commitment, the complexity, or the magnitude of the task at hand simply becomes overwhelming and we give up. Well, what if right from the very start we decided to make the process easy? How do we do that? We shift our perception. Get over the idea of a quick fix; goals take time to achieve. Get over the idea that you have to be ready to start taking action. And get rid of the idea that something has to be perfect to be done right.

I’ve recently decided to start a new project. It’s way out of my comfort zone. It’s something I don’t know how to do. I’ve started researching it and there is just so much to learn. I’m a born perfectionist, so I’m now in the familiar stage of doubt creeping in. This is something I really want to do, this is something I know I could do well, but yet I find myself not taking any action because I’m afraid I won’t do it perfectly. Is this destined to be another project I wanted to start but chickened out of? No, because this time I’ve decided it will be easy.

I have set the intention that this new project will be easy. I will be guided to the resources that I need. I will take small action each day without fail. I will make it fun, because if it’s not fun then why would I want to do it in the first place? I completely shifted my perception of the project this morning. So now I feel motivated to take action and enjoy doing it. I will likely make mistakes; it’s for sure not going to be perfect, but it will happen and that’s what matters!

I’ve seen my friend build a tiny house from scratch with his own two hands. I’ve watched people I know leave corporate jobs to pursue careers that inspire them. I’m sure none of them would say it was easy, but their passion kept them focused and moving. I guarantee all of them would now say it was worth every mistake they made and challenge that they overcame along the way. Find the inspiration in the people around you. Take small steps toward a goal, and decide to make it easy this time.

What goal or project have you started and stopped over and over? Is today the day you might start again but with a whole new perspective? How would it be different if you decided to make it easy and fun? Each day is a new chance to move closer to your goal.

More info next week on ways to make reaching your goals easier!


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