Oh man, today was a day! I started out with such great intentions to really work on a mission statement and a business plan during my free time today. Well, that free time never came thanks to an unexpected 10hr chaotic workday. I chugged through it and put out all the fires like a boss. But at the end of the day I still felt wound up and unbalanced. Nature rehab to the rescue!
I’m incredibly blessed to live on a farm. I immediately headed outdoors after work today to enjoy a perfect fall evening. I fed the llamas, chased the dogs, and watched the squirrels play. Then I ran around and jumped on some tree stumps. Then I pulled bark off some old stumps. Then I grabbed some sticks and played drums while my retriever tried to steal them out of my hands. I was just lost in the moment. I even climbed up into a tree to just surround myself with the good vibes of nature.
Getting out in nature is a sure fire way to detox from a stressful day. Stomp in a stream, chase a blowing leaf, or watch the ants crawl in and around a hole in a trees. Smash a stick if you really need to get some anger out. Stomp the crunchy dead leaves. Make some noise! Get it all out!!! Nature doesn’t judge. Nature is eternally balancing. Soak up some of that balanced energy to help get back to a centered focus in your own life.
Spending time in nature will make you realize that you are just a tiny speck in an enormous universe. The issues that seem huge in your life are not even a blip on the screen of the bigger picture of life. Harmonizing with the world around you will make everything flow through your life a little easier. I’m sure there is a park or nature area near you where you can go to rebalance when needed. Even just watching the clouds float by can be a method to help lower stress.
If the quiet, sit still meditation style is a challenge for you, then take a meditative walk and focus on each step and all the things you can sense. Can you feel a breeze or the sun on your skin? What do you smell? Can you hear animals, the wind, and even your own breathing? What beauty do you see around you? Is there a taste in your mouth? Even though you are moving, the choice to be 100% focused on the present will be a powerful form of meditation.
Next time you feel unbalanced, head outside! Nature is the most affordable and accessible rehab. It will help you detox from negative emotions. It will help you focus on the present. It provides a mini vacation from the constant clutter of thoughts swirling in your head. Share how you like to get out in nature!