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Should -> Could -> Choose

I talk a lot about the power of perception and the power of choice. When faced with challenging or stressful situations, sometimes the power of choosing your words can make all the difference. You have the power to move your life in the direction you prefer. Learning about the power of words is a valuable step towards taking that control.

Think about how the following phrases make you feel when you say them:

I have to wake up at 5am to get a workout in before work. vs. I choose to wake up at 5am so I can workout before leaving for work.

I should call my brother even though he offends me with his beliefs. I could decide to not call my brother. I choose to not call my brother and avoid a conversation that will only lower my vibrations.

The word “should” conveys the idea that you must do something, which feels more like a directive than a choice. It can make you feel like you have no power to choose, or at worst can make you feel as if you will be letting someone, or yourself, down if you choose not to do it.

The word “could” expresses a possibility. It now opens you up to making a choice. So by its very nature, it feels more powerful and gives you more control over a decision or action.

The word “choose” means you have decided to do what you prefer; it gives you control over the situation. So if you can start to use the word “choose” instead of could or should, you will begin to automatically feel more in control of your life.

Just a few small changes in just your words can lead to huge shifts in your mind. So often we wind ourselves up with anxiety over all the things we “should” or “have to” do. The truth is, we all get to choose what we do. You may choose to do what others expect of you, but at least you have made that choice. As you start to lead a more authentic life, you will trust that even when you make the less popular decisions, they will still feel “right” to you. I see a lot of people keep negative people and situations in their life because they feel like it’s what they are “supposed” to do. Well the sooner you figure out that all those supposed to’s are just made up rules, the sooner you realize your own power.

Go out into the world knowing you have the power to choose. It’s not always easy to make those choices, but you will control your own life.

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