(Thinks to myself)…”Blue Unicorns? that sounds like a preteen pop band”
Sometimes I worry about sharing the Blue Unicorns story, because it’s anything but average. But thankfully no one has ever laughed to my face when I told them about it. In fact, many people have actually said they felt a rush of energy or “knowing” when I shared the story with them. So here goes, throw judgement out the window and just read.
They year was….well, I don’t remember… but it was about 6 or 7 years ago. I was working as a brand ambassador for a popular video gaming system. My job involved playing video games in the middle of the mall during the holiday shopping season. It was a fairly fun job, even though I don’t enjoy video games. Many of my best friends were working with me, so I looked forward to seeing them every day. However, there were some days when the mall was just empty, and it left me with a lot of time to just think. As I questioned the reality of why I was standing in a mall playing video games with an MBA degree, excellent leadership skills, and an outstanding level of creativity, I heard a voice in my head. No, not like some weird schizophrenic voice, but the voice you hear in your head when you are talking to yourself in your mind. But this time it was saying things I had never heard before or expected to hear.
First, I came to the understanding that I had been drawn to the promotional work jobs because I am a natural healer. In fact, I can hold my energy vibration at a higher level than most people. So when people are near me, even if they just walk by me, I am able to raise their energy and in a way “heal” them at least a little bit. It made sense to me as I am a trained Reiki practitioner, and even though I tend to not speak about them or acknowledge them to others, I have healing abilities. So I felt more at peace and trusted that the Universe wanted me to be around lots of people so I could raise their vibration. Knowing I had a purpose made being around the obsessed shoppers a bit more bearable.
Then, the next day I was once again standing in the center of the mall with lots of time to think. This time my mind told me I was going to start a secret organization. “OK brain, now this is sounding odd.” So I decided to humor this voice in my mind and challenge it. “So, what is the name of this so called secret organization? ” And it clearly replied without hesitation – blue unicorns. Well, at this point I just assumed I had been staring at the carpet for far too long and needed to stop listening to the voice in my head. “Blue Unicorns?!?! I don’t even like unicorns, and blue isn’t my favorite color… that name sounds like a preteen pop band name, not a secret organization…”
Finally, later that night as I walked out of the mall, I decided to humor myself and said, “if this blue unicorns thing is true, I want a clear, undisputable sign from the universe within 2 days.” The next day was Thanksgiving, so no sign that day, and I kind of forgot I had even asked for a sign. The following day was Black Friday, the worst day to work at the mall. I had to be there by 8am, but I assumed parking would likely be a nightmare and it was cold and icy out as well. So I left extra, extra early to get a parking spot. Surprisingly the cold had kept most shoppers away from the mall, at least during the predawn hours. I had extra time and decided to pop into the children’s clothing store where I often shopped for my daughter; it was Black Friday after all and they had big discounts before 8am. I was looking down at my phone as I walked into the store and nearly ran into the new display they had put up for the sale. Well, wouldn’t you know it- the featured t-shirt right in front of me was a big blue unicorn right there in front of my face.
So at this point I’m sure my jaw dropped, and I laughed to myself that I couldn’t believe it. Here it was, plain as day, a big sign from the Universe within 48 hrs. And of course, as any sane person would do, I decided that one sign wasn’t enough and it was just a coincidence. So two days later I was shopping in Target and walked past the young girls clothing section; well, what do you think I saw? Yep, here it was again- a big, blue glittery unicorn (this time wearing a red scarf), but plain as day, it was staring right back at me. I couldn’t deny it anymore. This voice in my head was playing tricks on me. I can’t remember if I mentioned it to anyone at that point. I was still trying to wrap my head around it. I think I finally told the story to a few close friends weeks later.
While contemplating the name blue unicorns, I was looking for some kind of significance or a reason behind it. Why the color blue? Why unicorns? (This was a few years before unicorns showed up on literally everything from nails to phone cover to shirts, maybe that’s no coincidence??) So I did some searching on the internet. Unicorns are a universal symbol for positivity. In nearly every culture and reference, the unicorn is never evil, which is extremely rare for such a widely used symbol through out time and across many cultures. Then the thing that really got me – a group of unicorns is called a miracle. Yes- that was so perfect! So a group of people known as unicorns gathering together could be called a miracle. It tied right back to my belief and desire to raise group consciousness to shift energy and truly create miracles in the world. And of course unicorns are mystical and cool, but they are also fierce with that sharp horn, so you best not underestimate or mess with them!
The blue color took me a little longer to figure out. If you’ve done any New Age study then you have likely heard of the indigo children. They are souls that started incarnating in the late 60s with more being born each year. These souls were identified by an indigo color in their auras which had not been seen before by aura readers. They have certain characteristics that make them different. It’s quite interesting to read about if you’ve ever felt like you were different and can’t relate to “normal” people. Indigos are said to feel a bit more rebellious, feel that they came to earth with a strong purpose, and they may have extraordinary senses and tend to be more psychic and insightful. I can relate to many of the characteristics, so I think of myself as a bit of a hybrid indigo who came to wake up other indigos. So the name Blue Unicorns directly relates to the indigos that I want to awaken.
I have continued to see blue unicorns whenever I question myself. Once a girl was walking in front of me and had a blue unicorn tattoo on her shoulder right as I was thinking about this whole story and questioning myself years later. Well, it took me long enough, but now I’ve finally shared it out with the world. No, I’m not starting some cult. I don’t want to rule over others or have people think I’m the only source of knowledge. But I do want to be surrounded by awesome people that want to change the world in their own way. I do want to wake people up to their potential. I do want to inspire others to learn more and ask more questions about themselves and question what society has taught them. I’m not exactly sure how I will do it, but this is a start. I have some really cool ideas to help blue unicorns connect to each other, so stay tuned!
What do you think – crazy or enlightened? Could you be a blue unicorn just waiting to connect?