OK, who’s ready to create some magic? Now that I’ve officially started my life coach training I can start taking clients for sessions. I have not picked a specialty yet, so I can coach you on any issue you currently have going on in your life.
First, let me explain that coaching is not therapy. It cannot replace the need for therapy if you have a serious issue or mental illness. It is a great compliment to therapy if you are already working with a professional to address your more serious issues. Life coaching is not someone telling you what to do. A life coach will not solve all your problems, however, they can help you find the answers and solutions through an awareness of how your thoughts are creating your feelings, actions, and results. And finally, the goal of life coaching isn’t to make your life happy all of the time. Our lives are full of emotions, and choosing only one all of the time would be unrealistic. Everything in life is a balance, and not everything will make us happy.
I specifically chose to do my training at The Life Coach School because they teach a proven method called The Model. Using the model, I will show you how your thoughts create results in your life. If you don’t have the results you want right now, then the model will reveal what thought is creating your current results, and then we can work together to find a new thought that will get you closer to or to the result you desire. Sometimes it just takes one session to work through it, but often we easily revert back to our old thoughts which makes multiple sessions helpful.
I’ve been receiving some personal coaching as part of my training, and I can promise you that these sessions can truly change your life. Just learning to be more aware of the thoughts that go through my mind has shown me how often my minds turn to negative thinking, but all that negative thinking is just part of the brain’s job to try and protect me. So many of our thoughts come from that lizard brain that wants us to stay safe and believe that the world is always dangerous and we can only be safe if we fit in, stay inside, and never try anything new. Through life coaching, you can learn to change your thinking to thoughts that serve you instead of thoughts that limit you. You have the power to control your thoughts, so if you are going to choose a thought, why not choose the best one instead of the most limiting one?
I’m really so excited to share this passion for life coaching that truly lights me up. I get so excited because I know it will help you with whatever problem you are struggling with right now. Or even if things are good, we can work on making them great. Please shoot me a message, DM, or text if you would like to work with me! Sessions will be 30 min long and done over zoom. Times will generally be in the evening or on weekends. This is the only time I will be doing sessions for free, so this is an incredible opportunity to change your life at no cost. I look forward to working with you!