I think I can, I think I can, I think I can… and I could.
There are 3 keys to creating lasting change that I have found in my life-
1. intention 2. belief (patience) 3. action
For many of the large changes in my life, I tried and failed many times before actually achieving them. For example, in my early 20s I really wanted to become a vegetarian. I would start and then last about 2 days and give in to a piece of pepperoni pizza. This would happen over and over, but I never lost the desire to eventually become a vegetarian. One day I was driving home and got stopped at a red light behind a semi hauling a load of pigs to slaughter. I made eye contact with a sweet pig and that was it, in that moment I decided that I would never be the reason that an animal would die. I was finally able to stop eating meat outside of fish, and nearly 20 years later I gave up fish as well. So I was finally able to achieve my goal even though it took me multiple tries. I never lost my intention; I believed I would eventually make the change. I continued to take actions towards becoming vegetarian. It took longer than I wanted, but it did eventually happen.
Another example from my own life is establishing a consistent workout schedule, something I’m sure many people are hoping to have in their own life. This change took me decades to achieve, but I never gave up the intention and belief. Eventually I created a calendar and highlighted every day I worked out. For me, that was the action I needed to take that finally created lasting change.
Even this blog took me over 7 years to start! I used to feel guilty for not taking action, but I finally learned that beating myself up mentally never got me to make a change faster. I learned to be patient with myself and trust that when the time is right I will finally take the right action. In any case, it’s never a bad to start taking small action in the direction of your goal- it lets the universe know you are ready.
If you think you can, you can. What action can you take today towards a goal? Where could you show yourself some patience?