We are supposed to struggle. It’s how we learn and grow. When things come easily to us, there is often no gain. We lift weights to grow our muscles. We study, read, and observe to learn. We try, try, and try again to improve at what we are doing. So how can we learn to embrace the struggle and determine if it’s helping us grow or setting us back?
There’s a big difference between challenges that are building us up and those that are keeping us spinning our wheels in place. When we take the time to look at how we can grow from a current struggle, it changes our perspective. All that time spent struggling to raise great kids pays off when you contribute another awesome human to society. Those hours spent learning a skill, pay off when you can do what you love and do it well. The hours spent scrolling through Pinterest to find that perfect recipe for vegan bbq wings, pays off when you rock that pot luck at work. Ok, so those examples are pretty broad, but they are all struggles that end up with a positive impact. Conversely, suffering in a toxic work environment day after day because you are too afraid to look for a new job is not a struggle that will eventually benefit you.
Compare the struggle of staying up late to study, versus staying up late to watch Facebook cat videos, or the struggle of deciding to save money for travel, versus saving to buy a trendy fashion accessory that brings you temporary happiness. What we might label a struggle is just a step towards a better future. Look back at things that really changed you. I can remember an awful, emotionally abusive relationship that I was in as a teenager. It was a struggle, but I learned from it and never had another relationship that was negative. Should I have escaped from it earlier? Absolutely, but I wasn’t self-confident enough to stand up for myself for years.
If life was easy, we wouldn’t learn lessons or feel a sense of accomplishment. We’d always have what we need and our minds would never expand because we’d never be challenged. Can you see how a current struggle you are facing might be helping you grow? If you are divorced, is learning to live alone and love yourself preparing you for your next great love? A struggle to lose weight will help you learn to love yourself as you are now, help you celebrate each tiny change, and appreciate feeling healthy once you reach your goal. Often people who lose weight quickly don’t keep the weight off because they haven’t been challenged enough to change their mindset. It’s the same for many lottery winners that spend or lose their money quickly and end up right where they started before because they didn’t have the struggle of earning the money.
I’m not trying to say we all have to have a difficult life to achieve enlightenment or happiness. Life can flow easily when we learn to control our vibrations and perspective. Embrace the struggle and see how it can change you in a positive way to more quickly move through it. If you can’t find a positive to your current struggles then maybe it’s time to shift your perspective and move in another direction.
Think about how many struggles you have grown from. Remember all those teenage years that were basically a decade of unending struggle? Appreciate the struggle and the solutions will appear. Shifting your perception will change your life.
Need help overcoming your struggles? Reach out, I’m here to help you through life coaching.