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Who’s the Author of Your Story?

Writer's picture: Colleen AltschulColleen Altschul

If they wrote a book about your life, would it be worth reading? Who’s been the author of your life story so far? Have you lived an authentic life and followed your passions? Or have you let others determine some of the choices you have made? Stepping out and living an authentic life seems rare for most. Many people follow along with the lifestyles their parents suggested to them, or they made conservative choices to take the easy path in life. But do those choices reflect the life you always wanted to live?

There’s no reason to look back and fret over any choices you’ve made, as we cannot change the past. So, can you look at your life now and find ways to live more authentically? Are you doing things that make your soul sing? Are you lifting others up when you can? Is there enough excitement thrown in to keep it engaging? Are you in love with something, someone, or yourself?

If I had to write my own biography, I’d title it, At Least I Was Interesting. I’ve made many conservative choices over the years, but in general, I’ve stayed pretty true to myself. I was a bold, 90’s raver with pigtails and wide leg pants, while at the same time getting good grades in college. I paid my way through grad school years after my father told me to go because it just didn’t feel right when he wanted me to do it. I left what appeared to be a perfect marriage, and ended up finding my perfect match a few years later. I dyed my hair pink at the age of 41 because I had wanted pink hair my entire life! I’m not afraid to follow my passions and learn about all kinds of things. I travel the world with an interest to find the similarities in all people throughout the ages and now. I put myself out there and experience the world in ways that make me happy.

So much of being authentic is trusting your gut instincts. Is there something you’ve been thinking about doing for a long time? Is there something that just doesn’t feel right in your life? Making life-changing decisions can be scary! If you can’t make a jump, can you at least take a little step towards being authentic? Maybe it starts by changing small things like trying a new hairstyle or going to a new fitness class. Maybe you stop spending time with people that don’t lift you up. Find people and situations that bring you joy, and then you know you are being authentic, their vibrations resonate with yours! Take a few chances and you just might find yourself.

Is it time to start a new chapter in the book of your life? In this choose-your-own-adventure book of life, you get to make the choices. Don’t be afraid to make some scary choices, because often those are the ones that get you where you need to go and make for a better story! Dance to the beat of a different drummer. Take the road less traveled. It’s pretty fun out here with the rest of us passionate, bold people going after our dreams! People often regret the actions they never took, so start living the life you have always wanted to live right now!

Not sure where to start? Reach out, I’d be happy to help coach you to one heck of an exciting and authentic life!


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